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For sinusitis, a complication after an acute respiratory infection (ARVI).

We are pleased to introduce you to our specialist – Aliya Kadyrbaevna Baigalieva. Today the doctor will talk about maxillary sinusitis as a complication after acute respiratory viral infections. Gaymoritis is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Acute – usually occurs as a complication against the background of colds and ARVI (acute respiratory infections) and manifests itself with pronounced symptoms: severe headache and facial pain, runny nose and redness, and high temperature. Chronic is a slow disease. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are not as pronounced as acute inflammation: headaches and nasal congestion bother the patient in the evening. Sinusitis can be diagnosed with blood tests, respiratory tests, x-rays, rhinoscopy, and MRI (.CBC+ESR, CRP, Rhinocytogram, Respiratory panel, x-rays, rhinoscopy, endoscopy, CG, MRI) .