Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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1. There is a possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases during sexual intercourse.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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2. Condoms are effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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3. Oral sex does not transmit sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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4. Even if you are infected with a sexually transmitted disease, it is okay if symptoms do not develop.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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5. If you take the medicine, you won't get infected.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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6. Once a person has contracted a sexually transmitted disease, he or she develops immunity and cannot contract the same sexually transmitted disease again.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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7. People infected with chlamydia are three to four times more likely to develop AIDS.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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8. Sexually transmitted diseases are increasing.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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9. Sexually transmitted diseases can be 100% prevented with condoms.
Sexually transmitted diseases common sense self-diagnosis test
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10. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are also present in the oral cavity of infected people.
Diagnosis results
Please check the common sense information about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) below.
1.Causes and types of sexually transmitted diseases
- Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi that cause sexually transmitted diseases, and the main route of infection is sexual intercourse with an infected person. It can be infected through fingers or mouth (kissing), and an infected mother can pass it on to her baby during childbirth. However, you cannot become infected through masturbation, hugging a member of the opposite sex, holding hands, swimming, or bathing.
- Sexually transmitted diseases can occur in men, women, and people of all ages, and tend to occur in people from their late teens to mid-20s. In particular, women often do not feel symptoms, and organs such as the uterus become infected and become inflamed. Caution must be exercised as it may cause tumors such as infertility or cervical cancer.
- Almost all sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through sexual intercourse, so have sexual intercourse with only one person.
- If you have sex with multiple people, it is a good idea to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases on a regular basis.
- Avoid sexual relations with people at risk of infection, such as waitresses in entertainment districts or workers at hospitality establishments.
- The correct and simple way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is to use condoms.
- If you have symptoms, visit the hospital immediately and refrain from sexual activity until treatment is completely completed.
* Bacterial infections: syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, non-gonococcal urethritis (chlamydia)
* Viral infection: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), genital herpes (genital herpes), Condyloma acuminata (gonads)
* Protozoan infection: Trichomonas vaginitis, amoebic urethritis
* Fungal infection: Candida vaginitis
- Syphilis: Papules and ulcers form at the infected area within 2 to 10 weeks after infection. (Incubation period: 21 days)
- Gonorrhea: May cause urethritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, etc. (incubation period: 3 to 9 days)
- Non-gonococcal urethritis or vaginitis: Men experience pain during urination, increased urethral discharge, and urethral itching. Women may experience increased vaginal discharge (cold), discomfort around the genitals, irritation symptoms, and itching, and many cases are asymptomatic. (incubation period 6-21 days)
- Chlamydiosis: Recently, it is a sexually transmitted disease with the highest incidence rate worldwide. It mainly causes urethritis and vaginitis, or may be asymptomatic. (Incubation period 10-12 days)
- Chancroid: Local redness, swelling, ulceration, and intense tenderness occur. (Incubation period 3-14 days)
※ Poor self-treatment can worsen the disease and cause resistance to develop, so follow the doctor's instructions and receive complete treatment as early as possible.
Please check the status accurately.
You must accurately check the condition to receive an accurate diagnosis.