This is Dr. Heesuk Min, working in the Internal Medicine department at OHKZ Clinic. I am also serving as a consultant at OHKZ Clinic.
I was a professor at Seoul National University Gangnam Center Hospital and served as the personal physician to the President of South Korea from 2008 to 2011. As a highly skilled medical specialist in South Korea, I am dedicated to providing the best care for our patients.
Thank you.
- Country
Republic of Korea
- Name
Heesuk Min
- Medical Department
General internal medicine
- Specialization
Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Medicine:
High blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, heart failure, heart ischemia, arrhythmia, allergies, general medical conditions
- Things to Check Before Reservation
OHC KZ Clinic 방문 예정 이신 환자분을 위한 안내사항입니다.
예약완료 이후, 남겨주신 연락처로 전문 상담원이 연락을 드릴 예정입니다.
전문 상담원과 통화가 완료가 되어야 예약이 확정됨을 안내드립니다.
반드시 OHC KZ Clinic 대표번호 (8 (727) 355 41 00)를 수신 부탁드립니다.
준비사항 : 신분증
영상 CD를 가져오시는 분은 컨시어지에서 진료 전 등록해 주십시오. 영상 등록을 위해 진료예약 20분 전 도착해 주시기 바랍니다.
진료예약은 소중한 약속입니다.
진료 예약 변경 및 취소는 예약일 전에 미리 연락주시기 바랍니다.
전화예약센터 (8 (727) 355 41 00)
평일 오전 8시 ~ 오후 6시
토요일 오전 8시 ~ 오후 1시
일요일, 공휴일은 휴무
- Education
School of Medicine (Seoul National University)
School of Medicine – Practice (Seoul National University Hospital)
School of Medicine – Residency (Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital)
Certification in Internal Medicine (Korean Society of Internal Medicine) – Seoul, Korea
- Career
LLP “”MedicalPartnersKoreaQazaqstan (MedicalPartners Korea Kazakhstan)””, Almaty, Director of Medical Activities, Therapist
Director, Medical Partners Korea (Seoul, Korea)
Gangnam Center, Department of Cardiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Professor
“Blue House” official residence, personal physician of the President of the Republic of Korea