Is it hard to get to OHKZ?
Not enough time to visit OHKZ?
Now you can test when and where it’s convenient!
Call us or Making a reservation. OHKZ staff will call you back soon.
- Cost of home visit : 2 000₸ (Free if the Test fee is more than 15 000₸)
- Available time to visit: 08 o’clock to 12 o’clock
- Reservations on the day are not allowed, and you can visit your home from the next day at the time of reservation.
- All tests are allowed for patients of all ages, including children of all ages.( Children need their parents’ written consent)
Application for home visit collection
Fill out the form below, and we will contact you quickly to confirm your application.
This service is only available in the Almaty city.- Telephone reservation through
the call center Is possible. -
+7(727) 355 41 00
+7(727) 355 42 00